Friday, March 12, 2010

Can Stress Cause An Increase In Cervical Mucus

Making love with your eyes closed or eyes open?

Often, it is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Through his eyes we can get in touch with each other, and we know we can make ourselves known. One look can tell a lot, may be distracted, elusive, absent, intermittent with tap and escapes, seductive, bewitching, or this pungent, warm, loving, willing to listen to what we are saying is through verbal or through facial movements. We have friendly and playful eyes or dull eyes, rejecting, cold and distant that put a wall with your partner. We have eyes that look deeply that allow you to create a union that makes that relationship vibrant.

Take for example the life of the couple when they make love.
is often said that the moment of intimacy with your partner to keep your eyes open means to control the situation and not being caught surprise, the difficulty is to have the pleasure of letting go, while, close your eyes lets let more go to our fantasies and our pleasure.
Many people from the very first kiss close their eyes still well up to the moment of orgasm. Enter into intimacy and through contact with your partner can indulge in the pleasant emotions. For not all is well!

Some succeed, in having the eyes closed to focus on the sensations of your body but at the risk of excluding the other. It happens that, in trying to find pleasure, bring attention to themselves only minimally involved to sexual intercourse and breaking contact with the partner. Often they need precisely this attitude to achieve orgasm, and then began at times to give education to their pleasure to grow exponentially (I would add that in some cases, ask your partner what you want, but it's okay important that this is seen as a moment of passage).
Question: How can you create a 'intimacy and emotional contact with each other if I go my way? Why think that the pleasure felt when I go on my way to be stronger than the pleasure experienced in being a deep intimacy with each other? In a deep union?
Of course, this is more complicated. If a woman constantly asks to be touched in some way are two possible situations: the first is that she wants to control the contact, the second is that his partner is shown not to hear / meet you all.

Warning! I'm not saying that with closed eyes is not able to have a profound union with your partner but I would simply suggest to anyone who wants "rischiarsela a little ', to try new games that can open new doors. I propose to see if you can do with your eyes open all you can do with your eyes closed. If you can also get in touch with the emotions deeper while seeing the eyes of my / him / her.
Given that you can be away from your partner while you love being with both eyes open and eyes closed, I believe that our ability to discover the 'vibe with each other, "it would be important to work on while touching each other as often refers not to hear "nothing" - that you feel the skin but not the partner.
And here, I agree with Schnarch which states that sexual intercourse is useful in getting to that point of "comfort" when you open your eyes to the excitement rather than distract or create an anxiety that reduces the pleasure. In fact, eye contact can get in touch with our partners even though many people find that it can interfere with awareness of their feelings. See your partner can become an extension of its emotional contact rather than a distraction.

As previously mentioned eye contact allows you to tune in but only if you are already compared to conflicts that have previously been hidden in some corner of our soul. So it was necessary to look within themselves before they can compare with each other. If you run away from him, how can you compare with each other? And how you can look in your eyes, if you hide the truth that sometimes we do not say even to ourselves?
One could argue that it is not easy and that if it expects to have resolved all conflicts before making love with your eyes open you will not ever ... It is certainly not easy or you can wait for years. So why not try listening to their own schedule, their chances of staying in contact with the eyes of the other until you can stay in touch with themselves and, as soon as we realize that we are losing ol'imbarazzo and / or emotions too strong block us, close them to find themselves and their feelings in a movement, slowly opening and closing ports in touch with you and with your partner? Gradually you will come to look with soft, warm and loving your partner even at the peak of pleasure.

Have you ever watched your partner while having an orgasm? Or have you ever asked your him / her that expression while you are taking an orgasm? See and be seen in the moment of greatest pleasure in the moment of child protection in which we abandon ourselves to another or the other you leave us. As at that time the union between two people can grow emotionally? All this can be a growth experience can be of great tenderness and love.
As always says Schnarch, must be willing to be seen, heard and "tasted" emotionally. In these cases the perception of one's he / she is no longer a distraction but a part of his passion. This is only possible if there is a willingness for a real involvement.

Article from courtesy of Dr. James Del Monte


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