Monday, January 10, 2011

Tie Double D Ring Belt


According to Ansa, the Pope has defined as a "manifestation of exclusion of religion and, in particular, of Christianity "because of" banned from public holidays and religious symbols in the name of respect for those who belong to other religions or those who do not believe. "
" By doing this, "said Ratzinger, speaking to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, "not only restricts the right of believers public expression of their faith, but also cut the cultural roots that feed the deep identity and social cohesion of many nations".
As in the same speech he thanked the Italian government and other European schieratisi against the sentence on the crucifix, it seems reasonable to assume that reference is pre-eminently the Catholic symbols, however, legitimately doing the "job" as head of the Church.
It is not clear, thinking of the democracies, who is facing charges but it is interesting to note that the Pope also poses the dilemma of which route is to take a company that is considered clearly secular.
I understand, he does not agree modestly, that he rejects the idea of \u200b\u200ban open society that it becomes completely neutral in all religious influence (very different thing from being anti-religious) in the alternative but the alternative can not be that of a society in which there and other prominent symbols are "tolerated". Free
symbols in a free state, we could then paraphrase Cavour, provided, however, the principle applies to everyone. Gadi


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