Thursday, July 20, 2006

South Park Slow Streaming

Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro
Understanding child

Di Renzo Editore

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The first three years of life are the time of basic human development, and some shortcomings of this special age can not always be completely repaired : skills in movement and language, opportunity to have social relationships with others, self esteem, vision of the world are acquired during this period. It is with the child-the person that parents and adults are called to work, becoming an active and important part of the process of humanization of the new being, whose great potential waiting to help the environment for their implementation.

Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro , a graduate in medicine and surgery, specializing in psychiatry, was named in 1955 by Adele Costa Gnocchi school to work in childcare Rome, where he taught for thirty years neuropsychiatry, health and nutrition. It is a founding member of the Institute Italian Medical Association for the Study of relaxation phenomena and states of consciousness and an expert in relaxation techniques (RATs Respiratory Autogenic Training). Since 1968, prepares, at clinics and hospitals, the future parents to address the needs of physical and mental development of children. He has conducted seminars in Europe, USA, Mexico and Japan to raise awareness of parents and educators about the importance of early life in the construction of the human personality. Director of Courses for Child minders of the AMI (Association Montessori International) in Rome and Houston, Texas. A student of the developmental issues and author of monographic works on prenatal life, birth child mental hygiene.

reviews and articles

the same author:
The child is father to the man


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