Friday, March 11, 2011

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The Challenge of Memory Jewish tombstones from the shame and injustice

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Here Livorno - The Challenge of Memory
Jewish tombstones from the shame and injustice toponymic
Two unrelated news, an unexpected finding and the proposed restoration of a plaque hastily removed, Livorno forced once again to come to terms with the recent past persecution who betrayed the secular history between citizenship and peaceful sharing of the Jewish nation. The bulldozers are at work in the City being Padula. During the demolition a dramatic discovery: the digger rinviene fragments of tombstones and funerary furniture. Workers in service but are not archaeologists agree that you are facing a unique discovery at least. Are then contacted authorities and institutions. The investigations reveal a painful truth: the objects would be sourced from the ancient Jewish cemetery in Livorno active from the late seventeenth to mid-nineteenth century. With the promulgation of racist laws of the cemetery was in fact dismantled: plaques and other furnishings were mostly stolen and used as construction material. In the case of the discovery in question is a block of articles used for construction purposes between 1940 and 1941, period in which the buildings now demolished saw the light. Pending a more sorting states of the material was decided to separate the stones that show particular signs from the rest of the wreckage and transported to the current Jewish cemetery where the inventory and will (when possible) to the reconstruction. The Municipality of Livorno has promised full cooperation and maximum availability with the Jewish community in the continuation of operations. "The possibility today to reconstruct what was destroyed then it is a duty that the council intends to pursue, "says the Head of Culture Mario Tredici. The new cemetery in Leghorn was active until the thirties of the nineteenth century when it was forbidden to Because of the proximity to the city has developed up to now have approximately 70 thousand inhabitants. A century later the area of \u200b\u200bthe cemetery was expropriated and devastated by the fascist regime and the Second World War there was a vast complex built at school and sentenced to a substantial forgetting the past use of the lot of land. "In this institution - says the director of the Jewish community of Livorno Gadi Polish - taught, much esteemed as in all other aspects of his life, Professor Renzo Cabib (zl), historian President of the Jewish community, who several times during work to the property was called to detect findings of tombstones. It is curious that, while historically contextualizing the well-made and therefore genuinely framing what happened and the responsibility of the fascist regime, that Wikipedia is still quite delicate newspapers use terms to refer to the fate of that place of burial: The Tirreno writes For example, was dismantled. If as is likely you will verify that the marbles will come from the new cemetery is rather new, additional and cruel evidence that fascism deliberately desecrated the tombs to use them in the construction of housing on Via della Padula dating back to his infamous twenty years.
It is therefore difficult agree with the remark, reported by the largest national newspaper with genuine forgiveness, according to which were the constraints of that historical period to induce use tombstones and funerary furniture as a simple building material. In the past Livorno, should take note and the words I would say that the councilor Thirteen go that way, unfortunately there were only Livornina Constitutions and the wind of freedom which certainly characterizes the city of Livorno. " In conclusion Polish formula municipal administration a proposal to bring justice to victims of ignominy fascist: "Maybe this is inconvenient, however, spent part of the city's history could be given in close proximity of visual memory 'current school, "asks the former UCEI adviser. One of the headstones were stolen is not the only news related to memory that is being debated now in Livorno. In recent days, in fact, the monthly non-stop Livorno has dusted off an old warhorse, the proposed rehabilitation of the road once dedicated to Professor Gustavo Uzielli, a distinguished scholar, academic and Italian patriot (Garibaldi in his youth wore the shirt) to horse of the century. In 1938, the street named after him was turned away at the behest of the scheme in Thomas Corsi, hero of the Risorgimento, too, but unlike his predecessor immunity from gross negligence to be jew. In a sign of Caesar Favilla the monthly memorable story focuses on intellectual and philanthropic Uzielli hoped, close to the centenary of his death (which falls on 20 March), the end of this toponymic great wrong perpetrated against a man who had among its many merits and to found a glorious institution such as the Italian Geographic Society and to give further impetus to studies Leopardi with a substantial donation to the unborn documentary museum dedicated to the genius in his native town of Vinci. Waiting for any developments as desired intervenes the merits of the case also Iardella Andrea, one of the founders of the local Association for Jewish-Christian friendship. "Is it possible - is sought in a statement posted on the blog Comunitate - that the town of Livorno and those involved in the toponymy town does not feel the duty to repair that old injustice?"

Adam Smulevich


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